Editor's Blog1 min ago
Car Running Temperature
I've recently bought a meter that displays, (amongst other things), the water temperature. I was shocked to see the temp go to 108c before the thermostat kicked in. Is this normal? I know it's under pressure but surely it can't be good for the engine running that hot. Also it seems pointless having a temp gauge if you don't know when it's going to overheat. Am I right to be concerned?
https://www. google.co.uk /search?ei=M rbhWq6xEIm1g QbUoLHYCQ&q= car+running+ temperature& amp;oq=car+r unning+temp& amp;gs_l=psy -ab.1.0.0j0i 22i30k1l9.24 711.33674.0. 35687.37.30. 2885.12j16.2 9.0....0...1 c.1.64.psy-a b..14.23.215 1.6..35i39k1 j0i67k1j0i20 i263k1j0i131 k1j0i131i67k 1.164.lbLfE3 tfJs4 225f =...
11:24 Thu 26th Apr 2018