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From Humble Beginnings?

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sandyRoe | 20:58 Wed 03rd Jul 2024 | News
14 Answers

When SKS mentioned once or twice that his papa was a toolmaker did he mean he was a factory hand or did he own thr factory ?



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Well he certainly produced a tool.
08:30 Thu 04th Jul 2024
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He's done very well, then.

OP. sandyRoe. SKS Papa may have been a Toolmaker. But Stanley Johnson was a 😎Foolmaker😎.OK.

Don’t forget, he (Stanley) was also a wife-beater.

Anyway, what has what you have achieved got to do with your father – unless he happens to be fantastically wealthy and you were born with a silver spoon (as are most Tory ministers)?

depends, Hymie, some poor families struggle to get good education for their children.

Another lefty love in!

^^^^^^^^ 😍😍😍 πŸ˜„πŸ˜„ I just love this website!

Starmer's father owned the factory.


Got it...


Any Tory having a privileged upbringing = bad.


SKS having a privileged upbringing = good.

Well he certainly produced a tool.

He did make one tool that no one knows what it's for.

It's to put a spanner in your lot's works darlin'. 🀣

labour is bag of spanners loosely.

And the current shambles, as the song goes, dumb as a box of hammers. x

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