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Prime Ministers

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vonjon | 19:32 Tue 23rd Jul 2024 | Quizzes & Puzzles
15 Answers

prime minister-but which one

1. Was Charles Watson-Wentworth before assumiong his peerage?

2."thought he would be good at it"?

3.arranged for the earl of Avon to be flown home from florida?

4. was the only one to have sat in the House of Commons in the 17th century?

5. "would not have made a bad Lord Mayor of Birmingham in a lean year"?

6. "hadn't earned a place in Parnassus but would be quoted in Piccadilly"?

any help please



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1) 2nd Marquess of Rockingham

5) Said by Lloyd George about Neville Chamberlain

3   James Callaghan

6) Disraeli. Oscar Wilde probably said it

2    David Cameron

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thanks to all who answered just Q4 to get now

also was it archibald primrose who was mentioned in the song "burlington bertie from bow"?

4 Probably Walpole as he was the first PM in 1721 (18th century) but maybe he was in the House of Commons for some reason 22 years plus earlier

Was it Lord Rosebury who was mentioned in Burlington Bertie?

"Nearly everyone knows me from Smith to Lord Rosebury 

I'm Burlington Bertie from Bow..."

I don't know who 4 can be. The role was only known as Prime Minister from some time in Walpole's era. Maybe as a child or student he sat in there one day watching his dad (also  called Robeert Walpole) who was an mP in the late 17th century.

I cannot find the answer to Q4 either. Are these questionas from Derek's Easy-Peasy Fund -Raising Quiz ? Closing date 14th October 2024. Also your questions on Poetry/Songs/ Dingbats.

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Thanks for all your help.

chester123 yes 

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13. who originally entered Parliament with a Liberal as one of two MP's for Leicester?

Ramsay Macdonald

4. Spencer Compton, 1st Earl of Wilmington

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