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Interior Car Cleaner

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davewr | 19:49 Sun 28th Jul 2024 | Motoring
3 Answers

When I clean the inside of the car, I just wipe over the plastic trim with a bit of furniture polish sprayed onto a duster. If the doors are opened when it's raining, the raindrops leave a residue of dull marks on the trim. Is there any cleaning product that wouldn't leave marks when the water dries?



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Try looking at "diamondbrite" website. They do a range of products(maybe on the dear side), but they are all effective. When I bought a new car the dealership recommended them. Hope this helps.

I use interior dashboard wipes from Tesco.  They seem to work fine.  Looks messy when you wipe over trim but dries so that it's clear.

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Thanks for your replies, I'll give your suggestions a try.

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Interior Car Cleaner

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