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Entitlement To Blue Badge.

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ladybirder | 16:22 Mon 29th Jul 2024 | Motoring
15 Answers

I have a Blue Badge as I am classed as Disabled and I have a car.  I very rarely drive it.  It needs to be driven more and I would like to offer it to a friend who is also classed as Disabled to drive it as she doesn't have a car.

My question is, would she be entitled to get a Blue Badge to use on my car as she doesn't have a car of her own? 

I have looked on the DVLA website but am no wiser and I've sat for what feels like hours listening to the same music over and over waiting for someone to answer their phone.  So I thought I'd try on here.  Holding my breath;-)



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I don't think a blue badge is linked to a particular car.  My Mum had a blue badge and couldn't drive at all - she just took it with her when I drove her somewhere.

If you meet the criteria you can get a blue badge even if you don't have a car - the badge is for the person, not for a vehicle. Whether she is eligible for a blue badge will depend on her disability and its impact on her mobility.

A blue badge is issued to the person not the car, so if your friend has a badge she can display it and drive your car

My understanding is that the blue badge belongs to the holder; when my late mother had a disabled blue badge – when she was with me in my car, I’d park almost anywhere (including double yellow lines, as long as not causing an obstruction – as allowed by the rules).


But my mother had to be with me to use the blue badge – otherwise anyone could use one.

What exactly do you mean by 'classed as disabled'? 

As previously said anyone can apply for a blue badge if they meet the requirements, even children and blind people who obviously cannot drive.  It can be used in anyones car and taxis.

So if your friend qualifies for a blue badge she can use it in your car.  

The important part is - is your car registered as disabled and therefore exempt from road tax?  If so, your friend cannot drive it unless it is on your behalf or you are in the vehicle.

You cannot offer your Blue Badge to anyone - they must be eligible in their own right and get their own (free in some parts of the UK, a charge in others eg, £10 in England). The Blue Badge is for the personal use of the holder and can be used in any car so long as it is being used to transport the holder NOT just on the holder's business eg, you can't go shopping for a disabled person and use the badge, they must go with you. You can't even leave them in the car and go to a shop for them; the badge is to minimise their walking.

LB, if you weren't with her your friend would need to qualify for a blue badge in her own right.  As has been said the badge relates to the disabled person - not the car.

lb is asking if her friend can get a blue badge of her own as she doesn't have a car of her own.

lb. you will need to take insurance in to consideration too - who would pay the extra premium (if any) to add her to your insurance?

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To be clear I am NOT offering my BB to anyone.

Yes I know about the insurance Barry and of course I would pay it.  It might even bring my insurance down rather than up.  I already have three of us on it. 

Toorak thanks for answering the question.  The lady has cancer and probably has a couple of years left to live.

Is your car taxed as 'disabled' lb?

LB, I know someone with terminal cancer.  She is not 'disabled' as such but she now has a blue badge.  Tell your friend to apply.

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Thanks N, will do.

well I am waiting on word too Lady - but I can tell you one definite thing.  The blue badge can be used by your friend BUT you must be in the car with her

Question Author

Thank you jj.

Yes she would be entitled to apply for a blue badge to use in your car, or in any other car. 

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