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Lost Locking Wheel Nut Socket

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barry1010 | 10:48 Tue 03rd Dec 2024 | Motoring
23 Answers

I have contacted the last place it was used, no joy.

Can't find the Julian code in all my paperwork, can't recall ever seeing it, so can't order a new one from main dealer.

What options do I have?



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Order up a new set and have a garage remove the existing ones.

it must be somewhere - everything is....

I think there are places that can supply a replacement if you send them a photo of the bit that's on the car.

May have to drill it out ?

Can your recovery service advise ? Or better yet, can they get the nut off ?

tyre fitting places must come across this often - I think they will ways & mean of fixing it.

You used to be able to buy a kit from Screwfix forremoving them but I can't see it at the moment.

Wheel stealing criminals probably bought them all up.

You can try a main dealer to replace the socket and nut and Google a local firm to come out and remove the existing nut .

That's what I did when the nut was worn$ja=tsid:%7Ccid:17363835999%7Cagid:%7Ctid:%7Ccrid:%7Cnw:x%7Crnd:16401481036952384458%7Cdvc:c%7Cadp:%7Cmt:%7Cloc:1007125&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIzrnHx7uLigMVXJNQBh3xFT3_EAQYCCABEgIaRfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

not used one so unsure if it works

most tyre places will have a device for getting them out, usually a reverse thread tap.

First thing I do with any car is get rid of the locking nuts, pain in the April. No need these days.

I just realised your nut does not need replacing so you only need the socket .

You could also buy replacement socket from Halfords or similar car places 

Aye, especially with tyres being so cheap, and the national brick shortage to prop up the de-wheeled vehicle.

Hardly worth a scally's time.

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I can't buy a replacement socket without the Julian code.

I'll try KwikFit, see if they can remove and replace with standard nuts

barry any tyre place comes across this every day, they'll have a method.

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Kwik Fits my local so I'll try them. They've always been very fair in the past.

When I bought my replacement socket/ nuts from dealer , they did not require any codes 

You need the code to get a replacement bazile. The manufacturer has a set amount of different patterns and there is a code for each. To get a replacement they need that code. It'll be etched on the nut but that's no use if you have lost it and not written it down.

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Bazille, I can get replacements nuts and socket no problem. That won't get the existing nuts off my wheels though.

I've spoken to KwikFit. £75 to remove and replace - no guarantee they can remove.  I'll trundle off to them this week, last thing I need is a puncture and not be able to get the wheel off.

Good job my Premium Bonds came good this month. 😬

Have you checked under the seats? - a friend tht he lost his but it had been left on the floor & rolled under a seat.

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Checked everywhere

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