our car has got something wrong were taking it to a garage on tuesday but wondered if any of you could shed light on the situation. we were driving to birmingham when the speedometre stopped working and the car kept cutting out lots mum restarted it each tim and it was fine for a while then it would cut out again and the red light sayin ther was a fault in the engine would come on if nebody could give me some info on this it would be appreciated
If it's a new style one I'd hazard a guess at the electronics going caput as it seems everything runs via the computer, even the blinking accelerator (and it's not even got cruise control). Personally I'd not buy another one as the last one (1999 model) spent more time in the garage than all the other cars put together.
hi if its a corsa c the new shape one there is a rework for the clocks not working and dash light flashing but it will have to go back to main dealer or vauxhall techinan