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Ford Focus Xreg cutting out when turning

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bigtone | 11:02 Fri 25th Aug 2006 | Motoring
5 Answers
Does any one know of a problem with the Ford Focus cutting out? My 70 year old father has a Xreg 1400cc which has cut out 4 time on him but only when turning a corner This is very frightning for him as he loses power strearing and brakes The car will then start with the key??


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register ask ask the people at - Ford Forum
is it diesel at all? The focus c-max diesels have a fault with the EGR valve that causes engine to cut.
Another focus forum is =9a4a30944c58899ddc5c673f2282d4f2
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I have the same problem exactly - the car starts with the key after losing power when turning a corner.

I received this from the following website:
"Problem of all Focus models suddenly losing power seems to be due to the failure of the 'fly by wire' electronic throttle sensor." ?p_make=FOR&h_make=FOR&p_model=%20116

Please let me know if you find a solution, woudl be a great help!!
Try these, they reckon it's a new Vehicle Speed Sensor. cost about �30 and same to fit. Good luck! ?t=16360 ex.php/t-1291.html
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Thanx Sharpharp
great help! i will let you know how i get on

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Ford Focus Xreg cutting out when turning

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