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owner of car

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TAXICAB193 | 19:16 Mon 20th Aug 2007 | Motoring
6 Answers
find owner by there car reg plate


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Depending on the circumstances you could try an enquiry with DVLA at Swansea
there is no way,you would be given the personal details of the owner of a vehicle,from the dvla,unless you are a council,agency or the police,even dear ETHELS link says that.
Not true, Norman.,

When a car was 'abandoned' on my land neither the police nor council were interested because it is private land. I got the details from the dvla.

If you can show a proper reason for needing the details, the dvla can and do release them for a ridiculously small fee.
What did you do then Ethel.

If you had the means it would be great to dump it back on the owner's doorstep.

I would leave it there upside down.
TAXICAB193 - do you have the registration? I can possibly get you the details by tomorrow, failing that, the insurers.

However, I need a valid reason why you need these details

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