Petrol Price in The AnswerBank: Motoring
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Petrol Price

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lukey121 | 13:48 Fri 02nd May 2008 | Motoring
7 Answers
Is there anything we can do to get petrol price lower. Does the government have to Tax so much on it. I have to drive to work everday and the price is killing me. Anyone else effected?
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Hi lukey - Try logging on to www.moneysavingexpert.com
Click on travel - transport at the top of page. Scroll to near the bottom ( cars & transport ) & click on - Cheapest petrol & diesel in your area.
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Great site. Cheers
Hi, A good few years back we were a part of a protest regarding fuel prices, at that time I was driving HGVs their milage per gallon was approx 7 to 8 if you were lucky, the comp I worked for had throughout the UK over 300 artic lorrys ( No, not Stobarts) but even though he was running. The British Haulage were getting stuffed all ends with the rates, undercutting the rates, trucks coming in from abroad taking the Scottish work, Irish work, Welsh & English, As I have said a week ago, If the British public wants something doing about the cost BLOODY DO IT, DONT MOAN ABOUT IT, DO IT. The lorry driver tried, who moaned, the public, You keep paying it, they will put the price up its as simple as that. Each and every Goverment is put in their postion by us, YES BY US, if they want to keep the ecconemy stable, drop the tax on fuel & charge the bloody trucks, Cars, Buses that come in from abroad everyday, And dont say it cannot be done.
Vote teh b*sards out at the next election is your only hope.

Having said that Cameron seems to be on the green gravy train too.

Perhaps a general strike is requierd.

Could also line the tree huggers agains the wall.
Why can the Goverment not allow Trucks to run on red Derv.

It would allow Lorries to Run at half the cost and Hopefully Pass the savings onto US the punters who at the end of the day have to pay the extra.

Maybe thats to simple
Not worried. My firm pays for my fuel. I have to pay tax on it however.
The simple solution is not to work. The goverment does not encourage it. It's your fault for bucking the trend.
The punishment for working is ...
High taxes
Long Hours
High travel costs.

You should stay at home on sick benefit.

Myself ...I cant wait to get out of this country.
England has nothing to offer me anymore.
I'm in a undesirable minority of being a well paid professional. The type of person this country punishes.

randraven (You should stay at home on sick benefit. )
have you any idea how much a single person with no kids gets.i think you should make a few enquires before you pack your job in you will get one BIG surprise !

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