A Corrado is a coupe - this is one of the highest rated cars to insure, more so at your age - your best option is to buy a crappy little Fiesta - insurance will still be high, but likely to be half what you;re quoted now.
When you combine a Corrado with you being a 17 year old male, we automatically see an idiot wheelspinning in car parks - and without meaning to cause offence, this is generally correct - I've just had the misfortune to deal with (ie kick out) a claim where a 17 year old male has handbrake turned his Corsa GSi, overturning it, and breaking the bones of all his passenger - he is now liable for all the costs (running into tens of thousands of pounds).
Equally, if you insure the car through one of your parents, we now rate the police on the driver who is the biggest risk, and more insurers are doing this to avoid teenagers trying to avoid paying the insurance o na car that they, and they alone drive.
So if you insure this car with a 40 year old female (ie your mum), then the insurance company will go ''Hmm, a housewife with a sports car and her 17 year old son as a named driver - that'll still be �2000 becuase we're not stupid''.
When I started driving, I had a crap fiesta - took about 3 years to get my rates down