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vicious_sid | 23:18 Fri 09th Oct 2009 | Motoring
29 Answers
Have there ever been any cars that it has been possible to turn powered steering on/off


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no need to swear.
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I think my ex-husband had one of those......
Wankel (pronounced vankl)
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yes i'm an eskimo
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Zac, I can strip an engine with the best of them!
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and... AND... I know what to do with that 710 thingy....

Stripping an engine is easy it is putting it back together again and getting it to work that is the hard part.
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yeah, dream on sweetie!
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the circle of life...

I can top up the oil/water/washer in my car. I know how to open the bonnet. I drive like a man. what more could you ask for?
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Sqad would be more than happy with me!
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