I received a speeding ticket in November for driving 34 in a 30 zone, (one of those nasty little men in a police van with a window cut into the back!) I ignored it until I got the reminder then I...
Why do so many drivers never use their indicators these days? Are they making cars without them now? Are drivers so bone idle that they can't make the effort to flick a switch? Are they just plain...
I put my car on the road for the sake of an hour to enable me to get a skip into the garden for a clear out. The car had no tax or insurance and was on a SORN, after returning from the shops i found...
Why-O-why are people so content with driving in the middle lane of a half empty motorway, if there is no other vehicles in the inside lane, when the Highway Code clearly states that the centre lane is...
In November 2009 my friend J had just dropped her son at a Cub Scout meeting at a local school. On reversing out of her space she knocked the car parked behind her. She waited for owner. J apologised...
.......................thanks to all the self rightous brigade. I used to come on here a lot and there would always be loads of question in this subject but now I see that there hasn't been a new one...
Why don't motorists flash waiting pedestrians about 100 yds in advance? Then a) the pedestrian doesn't have to wait and see if the driver is going to stop and b) the motorist doesn't have to slow...
Yesterday was coming up to a set of lights that were on green with some hatches a few metres behind them and traffic was all moving forward so I carried on, only for it to all come to a stop when my...
Car Renewal Insurance, although the legal procedure by the majority of users, how many are going to say uck it & run without? is it not time that a Disk of the same diagram / size of the tax disk...
I have just applied for a new drining liceince as we have changed address.
Should I send off the old one before I receive the new one or wait until the new one gets here?
Are fixed GatSo cameras set to go off at exactly 30 - As you guessed I got flashed today !! However as soon as I saw the flash I looked down at the speedo and it said 30 - Am I going to get a ticket...
Hi...can anyone tell me whether it is legal to transport propane cylinders on a vehicle over 3.5 tonnes and do you require a tailift to avoid lifting them..the biggest cylinder size is 47kg in weight...
About a month a go I had two people hing round my hanging round my car and I believed they were breaking in. When I went over they claimed I had hit their car as we park next to each other in the...
Hi, One of my neighbours has a car whose road tax expired at the end of December. He reckons he's got a month's "grace period" to renew it. Is that correct? I was under the impression that a...
Hi All, I have a company vehicle that was supposed to be taxed in August 09 but was declared SORN by mistake by a leaving PA. I have had to use it up until now, constantly reminding my directors to...
My son is away in Afghanistan and is not due home till May 2010, while he is away he asked me to run his car for him. I am insured to drive anyone cars WITH THEIR PERMISSION but only third party. If...
I wonder if any of you could possibly help me with a problem a colleague of mine has? Her daughter let a couple of friends use her car late at night and the driver of the vehicle was killed in a head...