If you clamp a vehicle personally, you cannot charge for the clamp to be removed. Only licensed clampers/thugs/crooks are allowed to charge.
If you clamp a car as you have said, you are on very dangerous ground.
You have to display adequate signage as well.
If you are clamped:
� keep calm, don't lose your temper or attempt to remove a wheel clamp unless you have exceptionally good reasons - you could be sued for criminal damage
� contact the telephone number shown and ask for release
� check whether warning signs and boundaries are clear enough. You could also take a photograph to use as evidence later on
� ask the wheel-clamper who they work for, whether the landowner's authority can be produced, and if they have a licence from the SIA
� if you don't think a wheel-clamper is licensed, don't pay the release fee. If they refuse to release your vehicle without a fee, call the police. An unlicensed wheel-clamper is committing a criminal offence
� report unlicensed wheel-clampers to the SIA (see above)
� if the wheel-clamper uses threatening or intimidating behaviour, you should report this to the police
� if the wheel-clamper is licensed, you will have to pay the release fee, but insist on a receipt. Try to get the address and phone number at which the wheel-clamper can be contacted
� if you think you should not have been clamped, for example because the warning notices were inadequate, or the release fee was too high, the only way to get your money back may be through the courts. A solicitor will be able to advise you on what chance you have of winning your case.