Recent survey on drivers' knowledge of traffic light sequence in The AnswerBank: Road rules
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Recent survey on drivers' knowledge of traffic light sequence

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SurreyGuy | 07:21 Wed 26th May 2010 | Road rules
24 Answers
I heard on the TV and radio today that an alarming number of people do not know that traffic lights go: red, red + amber, green, amber, red - GOOD GRIEF!

OK, I don't think we're expected to know EVERYTHING in the Highway Code, but surely we should ALL know the BASICS?!

Mind you, the way I see some people drive leaves me to believe that they've not even PASSED a test!
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Amber used to mean that the lights are about to go red so drivers should stop.

Nowadays, amber seems to mean (to most drivers) that the lights are about to go red SO PUT YOUR FOOT DOWN, don't want to be caught this side of them.
Do you have any link to this story as I find it rather hard to believe?
... and flashing amber on some pedestrian crossings.
Wait, amber doesn't mean "come on, you can make it if you floor it"??
Oh. Fiddlesticks!
What's "an alarming number?" 5%

There's a type of survey has questions like
Was Queen Victoria
a) A Queen of England
b) A Gay sponge cake

They get the silly results and say

"10% of people think Queen Victoria was a Gay spongecake - shock horror"

What they mean is 10% of people will take the silly answer to mess up daft surveys.

This mmay or may not be one of them

I am however willing to bet that 5% or so of drivers dont know that lights go red+ amber before green and just amber before red.

And a heck of a lot more don't know what a white circular sign with a diagonal black line means and why it's not just a 70 sign
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jake the peg - there's no need to be so facetious!

squarebear - here's one link, but I saw it on two TV channels this morning and heard it on one radio station. http://www.gm.tv/arti...c-light-sequence.html

bibblebub - one caller to the radio station described those drivers to which you refer as "Amber Gamblers"! :o)
"And 7% expected green and amber next,"

I can only assume, like Jake, that they were having a laugh at the survey maker's expense. They see the results and laugh saying, I was one of those 7%

You see this all the time on "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" when they ask the audience.
Wasn't meaning to be facetious (well not this time)

"am alarming number" is a rather vague thing

is 5% alarming? 10% What alarms one person might not another.

The gay spongecake thing is just a silly example of how some of these surveys aren't worth the paper their written on.

don't believe half of what you hear and read in the media!
A white circular sign with a black diagonal means 'National Speed Limit Applies'

Red = Ready

Red and Amber = Get Set

Green = Go like the clappers!

Amber = floor it, beat it going red

Red = Ready. etc
Magic Merlin is absolutely correct that a white circle with a black diagonal means national speed limis apply.

However when I see a speed camera on a dual carriageway, I am constantly amazed how many cars I see braking down to 50 or even 40. I think the majority don't know their national speed limits.
Did the survey just test drivers or 'people'? You can't have a moan about non-drivers not knowing the sequence! Also, just becase some people don't know the correct sequence of traffic lights doesn't mean they're not good drivers, driving becomes second nature to most people so many just don't think about the sequence, only what they need to do when the situation arises.
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Sorry, I should have said the survey was of "drivers".
Ah that does make it a bit worse but to be fair I still don't think it's a necessary indicator that they are bad drivers
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I do!
-- answer removed --
Many drivers seem to think they can drive away through a pedestrian crossing as soon as the amber starts flashing. The fact the green man is still lit with people still able to cross seems lost on them.
I find that many drivers don't understand the rules of a roundabout these days!!!!!!
I'm a bit surprised by Andyvon's comment.

You can drive across a crossing on flashing amber, providing the crossing is clear.

The green man would be flashing rather than lit, meaning they should not start to cross.
Drivers will be expected to know, and other road users such as cyclists. I'm unsure everyone would be though. Mind you there are some drivers out there that seem to want a particular shade of green, judging by the time they take to respond to the one they get.

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