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Buyer’s Guide For Motor Bikes

16:37 Mon 24th May 2010 |

Many drivers are now turning to two wheels instead of four in an effort to beat the daily commuter traffic or to help the environment or simply for the sheer enjoyment of riding. Whatever the reason buying a bike is just as risky as buying a car and you need to be careful to make the right decision and not lumber yourself with a crock.

Most people will buy used as their first motorbike. The main reason is usually price as they are on a budget plus you have to think about insurance and getting all the gear as well. If you use your common sense and take along a friend who is knowledgeable about bikes then you can get yourself a real bargain.

If you are a novice motor biker then you are best starting off with a light bike that is not too powerful. As there is a vast range of bikes and manufacturers some internet research is invaluable and you will be able to find information and advice about any particular models and what sort of price you should expect to pay.

You should think about the type of riding you will be doing as this will influence the choice of model. If you will be taking to the motorway for long stretches a cruiser may be the right choice. If you are going off roading then a sport bike would probably be better.

When you go to have a look at a bike always inspect it in daylight even if you have to go back a second or third time. Look for signs that the bike has been abused or neglected or in an accident. Things like missing or damaged body parts, non standard items, large areas of rust on exposed metal, rotted tyres.

Make sure you check the mileage and work out what this is per year as motorcycles do not get ridden as many miles as cars, so don’t assume a bike has low miles just because it has fewer miles than your car.

Most problems will present themselves when you are riding the bike so it is vital that you do a proper test ride. If possible get your friend to ride the bike as well. Don’t be afraid to brake hard and turn corners as you need to make sure the bike performs well.

If you would like to know more about motorbike why not ask AnswerBank Motoring.

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