Crosswords1 min ago
Welcome To Music where you can ask about and share your favourite tunes.
There was a dance song on the radio: i think it had these lyrics: "i don't know what to do, don't know what to think of you" and then the next line end with the rhyme of the letter 'o' with the word...
which composer died in a chemistry lab
hey there, i heard a song over the radio and i was only able to save the following phrases "rescue me, rescue me, loose control" "be a savior" it's a pop song don't...
hi,did anyone see operator six who are an unsigned band from yorkshire play at the 100 club in london on thursday 5th january?
Does anyone know where I can get the Sheet music for this track? Thanks
can anyone tell me the name of the black woman who sang on the white house stairs the day after 911
dose any1 know the name of the song at the start of hollyoaks today it was also played when he was on the run and ment to meet his sisters i think it gose ''to each his own every man of religion''...
Who sings the song in the Ferrero Roche commercial? the song is called "Give me the night" and it's originally by George Benson - but I'm trying to find the info for the new version...
The song goes"you got me going in circles,cant get you out of my head" any ideas
Does anyone know either:a) the title of the tune on the P&O Cruise commercial - violins, 1920s (ish)... (I think it's the #Can Can#)b) what genre of music this is / any other tunes like this?...
1] which composer dedicated which work to his nominally unassuming brother? 2]which composer died as a result of a chemistry laboratory explosion?
hi, the bbc1 did a trailer of its own program (sweeney todd i think) on 3rd january 2006 just before eastenders or just after. does anyone know the title of the song or the band name? it was a male...
I was wondering wher i could get a site to download jim reeeves tracks ...XCEPT limewire or Kazza i mean using torrents cause there are the torrents but no seeders you see so they are damnnn slow,,,,...
Opening lines to this song are - "She said she felt like drivin', and took the keys from my hand. By the way that she was smilin' I knew she had a plan.She put on some cool sunglasses, and fixed that...
has anyone ever heard of shimika Copeland and do you like her music
Anyone know what the song is that is playing on the radio when ray loita is raiding the shop in the film Something Wild.I know there is a sound track but it is not on it
which leading 19th/20th century composer was the son of an operatic bassfrom whom he derived his middle name?
can u tell me if you can buy the impossible dream by andy williams and what year it was
girls aloud see the day who sang the original
I wanted to find out who sings this song that was Featured on One Tree Hill. In episode:In search for something more. This episode is when Peyton and Brooke go to a party and Some guy named Gabe slips...