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Had The Shock Of Our Lives Today

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renegadefm | 21:31 Sun 21st Jul 2024 | ChatterBank
24 Answers

Well this must take some beating. 

Cleaned out parents deep freezer on Friday morning, so it meant that all the food suffered freezer burns, so we double bagged it all up in black rubbish bags and temporarily put them in the boot of our car. 


Well here is the shock, we opened the boot today two days later, or 48 hours later to take the bags out to take to our local recycling centre. Baring in mind its July and temperatures are quite warm.

Well to our shock there was still ice in the bottom of our boot space of the car. 

How on earth is that possible when the car was baking hot on Friday afternoon, and all day Saturday, and most of Sunday, how on earth did we have pieces of ice in the boot where the bags were placed? 



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clearly it was not hot enough for long enough to melt the ice.

In this film with Harrison Ford a scientist invents an ice making machine and treks into the tropics with a block of ice to show the natives. You'll be surprised have long ice can last.


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I would have thought that, but Friday morning to Sunday afternoon in a hot car beggers belief doesn't it?


They normally say 7 hours for a freezer to thaw out, but this was 48 plus! 

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I just googled how long typically does it take to defrost a freezer, and it states 1 to 2 hours. 


So how on earth in 48 hours we still had clumps of ice in my hot car boot where the frozen bags were placed?

Its a mystery to us!! 

TRry it, get a tupperware type box, fill with water freeze it and put it in the boot of your car, see how long it stays solid. Freezers tend to have a snow like consistency and that has a huge surface rea and thus will thaw out quickly but actual blocks of ice last a lot longer.

1 to 2 hours is for an empty freezer to defrost  I think ...but even that seems low to me. Frozen stuff packed together in a boot compartment could stay frozen for a day or more.


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Well heres the thing, the ice pieces were actually underneath some of the bags, so its as if ice formed under the double bagged frozen food. 

Which makes it all the more strange. Especially as the car was baking hot inside. 

Obviously the boot slightly cooler, but 2 days later how is this possible? 

it will be explainable in physics if you could replicate the exact conditions.

I find the shock part is all that food, bagged or not, wasn't absolutely minging after being in a hot car for 2 days. The thought of then driving it to a recycling centre and tipping it out is yeuch.

That ^^^^ was my thought also. Why oh why leave it in a car for 2 days??

Lucky there weren't maggots!!!

Amazing! I thought you were going to say it had disappeared and walked itself to the bin/ tip wherever!..😁

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The fact we had to leave it in our car which was a redundant car for two days, is because we had other engagements planned for Saturday, so Sunday was the only day we could return to the job from Friday. 


But we we're so shocked to find ice after 48 plus hours. 

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I actually was hoping that on Saturday evening, not still knowing how we would deal with about 8 bags of frozen food in my boot. But to my amazement Sunday afternoon there was still ice under the bags.

Its like the car boot became a mini freezer, yet in July is quite strange. 

I guess it would melt from the top down and just hadn't got far enough?

I'm still trying to get my head around the food being in the warm car for 48 hours and you didn't know there was still ice there. But thought it had all defrosted and was probably minging!!! lol

Surprised that the recycling centre would take food of any sort I know ours wouldn't.

//The fact we had to leave it in our car which was a redundant car for two days, is because we had other engagements planned for Saturday, so Sunday was the only day we could return to the job from Friday. //

It sounds like a 1 minute job to me. Lift  the bag out of the car and out them somewhere else out of the way until you could dispose of them on Sunday evening

Good morning, why did the food suffer freezer burn due to the defrosting of the freezer?

It is also safe to eat food with freezer burn, it sounds like you have wasted a lot of food unnecessarily.

Not just the tip of the iceberg?😉

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