What is the one thing you couldn't live without? in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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What is the one thing you couldn't live without?

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girl_lesbian | 13:16 Tue 13th Jun 2006 | Body & Soul
29 Answers
Apart from food and water obviously. I couldn't live without my mobile. How very sad, but true...
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My heart. That's pretty important. I was actually going to say my brain, but I've coped 33 years perfectly well without one...
Music - it feeds the soul and lifts the heart........the rest of the body is past reacting.

Benson + Hedges!! The longest I have gone without them for is 12 hours after I went fishing and left them behind. I tell ya, I was seriously considering chopping up my rod and smoking that.

Not that I`m addicted or anything...lol!

my mum.....!

As you asked about "things" rather than "people" I'd have to opt for good books, good music, the joy of nature in all its aspects and not worrying where the next meal is coming from. If I had to choose just one from that list I'd be hard pressed.

My mobile I could certainly without - I use it so rarely I can't even remember the number !

i couldnt live without tv id be lost without it / or maybe even a good book!
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my kids.Followed very closely by my b/f and then sex!
Only softcore, Wardy? I had you down as a hardcore fan!
My family :-)
ok if not people and my mum then i'd have to opt for my mobile too...
oh,if not people then it would have to be my PC of course,else how would I mange without AB!!
i have panic attacks if i go out without my mobile and have to go home and get it, other than that beer and fags
Air is quite important, you mustn't forget to breathe.
my digital camera to catch all those wonderful moments with my kids.

And yet, 10 to 15 years ago few people had even heard of a mobile. Whole organisations, society, the world generally, once functioned without everyone and every workplace having computers. And that wasn't all that long ago! I hope we don't one day find ourselves completely screwed by the apparent total dependency on these things we've created.

Of course, we could all live without the things we've named. But it's a question of the quality of that life. For myself, my life would definitely feel empty without music, live theatre, good food (as opposed to just soullessly refuelling), books, films, holidays in remote windswept places.

I couldn't live without a computer with the internet :P

hmmmmm. well there are three things I could not live without.




Sad....but very very true

music, film & tv. & possibly my mobile!

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