HELP! ANYONE! I am at my wits end, I recently came across an old recording of the friday night rock show (tommy vance) and cannot identify a song on the tape. would anyone have any idea how I could get hold of the play list for the show, I have tried e-mailing the bbc, but for two months have had not reply. the song, the only part I can identify as the tape is so old, is "turning darkness into light" I thought it was cans and the title signs, so I brought the cd, but was not the right one. I have also tried google and the rest of the net, but, with no joy, the date on the tape I have is 4th May 1990, (not that that is going to be any help) any suggestions or sites that may be of help I would be indebted. many thanks in advance.
Hi, I just joined the site, so I'm not sure if this is the right way to post. I have an old cassette of the FRS from 1983. They played "Awake & Nervous" by IQ, and also played a curious jazz-prog-rock track (a la UK, Brand X, ColloseumII) with a distinctive fretless bass line. It started off quiet with a repeated piano phrase, and went for a while before vocals came in. Vocals sounded slightly Zappa-esque, and there was the repeated phrase "strange". Anyone have a clue??? Cheers, Guy