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Adele Someone Like You

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_sophie_ | 20:30 Mon 21st Mar 2011 | Music
16 Answers
Finally a youtube video of the album version!! Love it! Do you prefer this or live performances?


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both ok but overrated
prefer rolling in the deep pr feel my love
live is always better :o)
Did she sing New York? I`m sorry but I thought her voice just droned on and on. This single is more suited to her though. Maybe she should move into blues. I think that might be her forte.
I liked it initially but the radio seemed to be playing it at least once an hour, touch of overkill
The Radio One Live Lounge session was good... although I've now reached Adele saturation point...
I agree with snags...

she has an awesome voice, and I love the way she talks so "Essex" and then when she sings that voice appears....

But saturation point has been reached.
I think if she sings it live too many times she will lose the emotion. its time to focus on working out the new take that song

Don't *do* that...........:o(
I said as much before snags did chuck, but.. FINE. :o
I just felt snags said it much more succinctly than you :-p
''but.. FINE. :o ''

Shut it miss meaty...

its rude to ridicule someone with their cob on.
" with their cob on " ?
It's midlander speak for moody cow ;-p
it means im currently experiencing a hissy fit anne ;)
Live. Amazing.

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Adele Someone Like You

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