Dolly Parton, aged 65, tiny waist flawless skin perfect white teeth big blonde hair is this the way we will look when we reach that age or have you reached that age!
Her lips have trebled in size over the years, they showed a clip of her singing years ago and her lips were normal size but have now pumped up money does buy some strange things!
I thought she looked so different, her facial skin looked a bit stretched!.....unnatural really, don't get me wrong, I admire Dolly Parton, but she just looked so plastic!.........and no when I reach 65 (not many years to go now!) I will not, and would not, want to look that way!................
I thought she was about 70. There doesn't seem to be a natural thing about her now, it was almost like a freak show, she used to be quite pretty. such a shame because I like her.
Somehow, she is the one female that I just love regardless of how much work she has done on herself. I think it is because she is refreshingly honest, a lovely person and has her head screwed on. The was as lovely and natural (personality wise) on The One Show last night as she always is. I love her and I love her music. She is one year older than I am!!