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Why Do We Get 'tingles' When We Hear Great Music?

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jezmatron | 10:11 Sat 22nd Jun 2013 | Music
2 Answers
As above. I put a random playlist on in itunes and the first song was 'Leif Erikson' by Interpol, a song I absolutely love. It had been a while since I'd listened to it and I just got a huge rush of tingles, which prompted the question.. what makes this happen?


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I watched the excellent Fleetwood Mac documentary on BBC4 last night and certainly felt tingles and felt quite emotional when I heard some of the songs again. Maybe it just reminded me of those days as a student at university when I loved listening to Rumours and their earlier stuff and when I saw them in concert in the 80s
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Great band. Might watch that doc on iPlayer later.

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Why Do We Get 'tingles' When We Hear Great Music?

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