... to little George (aged about 2 and a bit) who had a really terribly boring time at the Carol Concert I attended tonight :
"Don't worry - it gets better tomorrow - no-one blames you at all for getting utterly fed-up and giving it some serious shriekage tonight"
But ...
... to the eight or so idiot adults of his extended family :
"It wasn't a brilliant idea to bring four children aged under 3 to a serious concert of high quality music by an world renowned choir. You could have retrieved the situation by removing them when they all reached their boredom threshold after about 5 minutes. Instead you chose to chatter amongst yourselves and (noisily) feed them crisps.
I hate you. Most of the other people I spoke to afterwards hate you. We hope your children have a lovely day tomorrow ... but that you get food poisoning"
Yes Tony - they were shockers - utterly self-centred and behaving like they were watching a (not very interesting) TV programme, rather than a bunch of people trying to put on a live concert.
I'm only speaking for myself here but the children can find these things very overwhelming - my youngest Grandson was for a while terrified of sudden applause, so we got him well used to it before the next round of school plays etc.
Can't see the point in making little ones suffer needlessly.