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Jordyboy9 | 15:52 Tue 02nd Jun 2015 | Music
12 Answers
What has happened to LIMEWIRE has it gone?I remember all the arguments on here for and against, and some of them got quite heated,against were saying we were depriving artist of their living,and others myself included said it was a great site for downloading music for free


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It was illegal and immoral.

The saving grace was that anyone using it was pretty much certain to get nasty adware/malware downloaded along with their pirated music.

It has gone, I'm pleased to say.
Who needs it when there's Spotify....?
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Spotify is much better.
It wasn't illegal to download ... but (unless you were much more computer savvy than the average user) once you had downloaded anything you could potentially be sharing it with any other Limewire user - and that sharing was deemed to be illegal (ignorance being no defence).
I agree - Spotify is better/safer and the artists get paid.
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The adverts that spotify displays to you generate income - that goes towards paying the artists - they also hope to convert you to a paying customer eventually (as they restrict access from the 'free' service).

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