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Itunes Re-Install Question

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magicbeatle | 15:08 Sat 18th Jul 2015 | Music
5 Answers
Ive just updated my ITunes, after it asked me to do so. However, when it finished it said the drivers were not installed to use my Ipod or mobile phone with it. It has told me to re-install ITunes. The problem is, I have spent the last few years ripping all my CD's (about 600) onto iTunes. Also, I have had to get all the album covers from google images as they would not automatically load when I ripped the CD's for some reason. And add them manually, which has taken a long long time. They are all original Shop bought CD's. Will I lose my music, or the album covers if I re-install ITunes?



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Read item Number 5 on this link before you do anything:

You didn't say if you are using a Mac or PC.

With such a large music library I would consider getting an External Hard Drive just solely for backing up your music library periodically should anything happen to your computers hard drive disk in the future.
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Hi Mark. I am using a PC.
Hi magic,

If you can save a backup a copy of your 'music library' to an External HDD before you reinstall iTunes this will prevent you losing all your ripped CDs and music library should anything go wrong during the reinstall. That's the first thing I would do. (\Users\username\Music\iTunes\)

According to the link I posted above for you, you should not lose your music library when reinstalling iTunes.
Don't delete any files - just download the latest version of iTunes for Windows from this link:

Follow the instructions on screen and reinstall the software as normal.
Hopefully this will solve your 'driver' issues.
Failing that, try posting this same question in the Technology section for further help.

Who's Mark by the way?
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Hi Fanrific,
Thanks for the link. You helped me big time yesterday. All the sites I read were telling me to uninstall iTunes first, then reinstall it. I didn't want to do that, but would have done if it wasn't for you. I just clicked on your link, and pressed 'Download ITunes'. It then gave me two options:

1. Remove ITunes.
2. Repair ITunes.

I clicked on the second option and run it. It only took a couple of minutes. Completely repaired my drivers so I could sync my IPod.
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'Whose Mark by the way?'

Sorry about that. While writing my first reply, I quickly scanned yours for your name. I saw 'Mark as best answer', without reading it properly. Lol

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