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Good Morning Early Wednesday Birds!

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Smowball | 05:35 Wed 26th Jun 2024 | ChatterBank
32 Answers

Well that was a humid night! Even with a fan on I've been so so hot! Looks like it's going to be another gorgeous day! In-laws house move went well yesterday - after 33 years in the old hdouse I bet they wake up this morning and wonder where they are for a split second lol. Debating dinner this eve (yes at this time lol) My friend yesterday did what she would call a Ploughman's for dinner, which I love. I didn't realise that it was such a serious debate on whether you put a Scotch egg on it or not! Apparently it's a very important detail indeed!



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I've always considered you so so hot Smow😉

Oops, probably shouldn't have said that, but.

Keeping well dear lady?

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lol I'm certainly hot at the mo, weather wise! Yep I'm not too bad - was just online reading all the comments on England's football teams appalling performance last night in the Euro's. Was mind-numbingly bad. They even had photos of one fan asleep in the stands lol! 

Good Morning Smow 😊 You fell into Ozzy's trap there 😄 Humid here too and a thundery look to the sky with rain forecast.  Ploughman's - I just usually add a hard-boiled egg.Enjoy your day - that goes for everyone elso who looks in. x

Good    morning all.

Hope  you settle in soon, Smow

So the poms are getting their *** kicked @ soccer?

Oh well, worse things have happened. 

Looking forward to summer downunder, then I can complain about real heat🥵

Good morning all. Pleasantly hot here. The printer's playing up this morning -Grrrrr. I'm not good at technological set-backs!

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Morning Haz... you ok? Yep I haven't had a Ploughman's for, well, god knows when, but quite fancy one now! Gorgeous in this weather - who on earth wants to be cooking a hot dinner! 

My trap Haz?

I'm not a hunter🤣

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Don't want to miss anyone out so just a huge good morning to everyone joining in on this new attempt at a regular(ish) morning thread! We seem to be starting off ok I think! 

Keep it rolling Smow, doing well so far

It's the way you tell 'em, Smow - I haven't had a Ploughman's either since ???  x

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Don't tell me - theses days it has to be a Ploughpersons lunch!? LOL.

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Oh, and a random comment - yesterday I discovered that they now do Raspberry Jaffa Cakes! Now, as MrSmow is an avid Jaffa cake fan, I bought a pack to test them on him. He was not impressed. Without that zingy orangey bit in the middle it cannot have the words Jaffa cake at all was his opinion lol. 

Good morning Smow and everyone else. Off out this morning for breakfast, Hmm Eggs Benedict or full English? lawn cutting later then hopefully sitting out in the sun afterwards, forecast looks good for two more days, we have rain due on Friday morning

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 Morning fourteen! Ooh breakfast sounds good - where do you go?? A local favourite cafe?  And do you have fried bread on your full English??  sooooo yummy!

For breakfast we are going to the local hospice as they run a (Rather good) cafe and we can pay in last weekends sponsor money, no Fried bread im afraid. so not quite full English, no black Pudding either as I have never liked the stuff

Good morning all, another beautiful day here. Did you know that you can get lemon and lime Jaffa cakes Smow

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Admit I can't stand black pudding  either! But still sounds really yummy - my tea and toast looks rather sad now LOL. 

Hi Margo - no I didn't! When did they start sneaking these other flavours in then!?

The lemon lime ones have been around for quite a long time. Just googled Jaffacake different flavours and it mentions cherry, blackcurrant and some others but I haven't seen those on the shelves

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Cherry? Well I never lol! 

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