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Boris - For A Piece Of Cake

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Khandro | 10:37 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
53 Answers

Just under two years ago, the UK Conservative Party made the ridiculous decision to oust former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. What followed was a disastrous election defeat for the party and a new Labour government.

With mass riots, pensioners set to freeze, people being arrested for tweeting, mass infrastructure projects cancelled, tax rises coming, and Labour capitulating to the unions, I don’t think many of us realised how good we had it under Boris Johnson.

Yes, there were challenges, but those challenges were not ones the UK faced alone.

There was an ambition to level up communities that traditionally have been left behind with bold infrastructure projects that would encourage growth – many of which are now cancelled.

There was far less division, people weren’t being arrested for tweeting, our pensioners weren’t being left to freeze in the winter. Everywhere Boris Johnson went, ordinary people flocked to him. We had great relationships with our allies and we were global leaders – whether it be the vaccine roll-out or our role in supporting Ukraine.

Now we are a laughing stock. Politicians around the world are mocking us for the horrendous crackdown on free speech we have seen under Labour.

 It is absolutely ridiculous that we got rid of a Prime Minister for doing something as simple as eating cake in the office just for him to be replaced by a new government that is watching on as our country falls apart at the seams.

 I hope the politicians that brought down Boris, many of them now out of a job themselves, sit there and think – was this all worth it over a bit of birthday cake?



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better get your Tin Hat on Khandro, the 5C will be pebble dashing their screens with South African peace porridge!

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That OP btw is an edited (by me, for brevity) article in the Spectator Australia today.

I disagree.

Johnson was ok to start with then he went all green and liberal thanks to that flooxy he got hooked up with.  He let the little Johnson rule the big Johnson.  It was in fact he who started, or at least accelerated, the decline of the Tories and allowed the TINO's to flourish.

It's interesting to see from his articles he now appears to have reverted to more of a Conservative.  But that is not what he was at the time.

It's a shame, I had high hopes with him.

Boris squandered his chance to be a good if not great PM. He failed to rein in his character flaws when he got the big job.

I agree, Khandro.  The whole episode was a manufactured farce designed to unseat him - and it was all about Brexit.   And this circus of a government is the result.  Fools all.

Do you need to be reminded (again) that there was a lot more to Boris's fall from grace within the Tory party than eating a bit of birthday cake?

 Boris's and his disciples problem was when they jumped aboard HMS Brexit and it hit an iceberg and that was the end of 😎Boris and  The Tory Party😎.

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davebro; // Boris squandered his chance to be a good if not great PM. He failed to rein in his character flaws when he got the big job.//

Who of us is without "character flaws" ?  I agree with TTT about Princess nut-nut, but the flaws didn't stop him from getting Brexit done, which in the end was the will of the people, he was first to stand steadfastly by Ukraine in need, He was also first in Europe to get the covid vaccines delivered and distributed.

There's more, but that's enough for someone flawed.

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I should add to the above that Boris Johnson won in the 2019 election a landslide victory with a majority of 80 seats, a net gain of 48, on 43.6 per cent of the popular vote, the highest percentage for any party since the 1979 general election.

Good afternoon, are you still in Germany as your previous questions and answers seem to imply you don't live in the UK.

Who was arrested for tweeting?

who is mocking the UK?

What mass infrastructure project has been cancelled?

Thank you, I await your response.

Wasn't Boris 'ousted' for lying?

It's all pie in the sky now Khandro.  The Conservatives didn't win the 2019 election - Boris did - and the appalling legacy they have left us with is a result of their disloyalty.   I can't imagine why they couldn't see it coming.

12:49 do you have an example?

And the TINO's are still right in there with Tugithard and Cleverly (anything but) vying for leadership and apparently favourites.


YMB, they never learn.  Chances are few care who leads them in the future - but they can't see that either.

"What mass infrastructure project has been cancelled?

Thank you, I await your response."

Await no longer. Here's your starter for ten:

•    A303 Stonehenge Tunnel 
•    Programme to bring disused railways back into service
•    A27 Arundel Bypass 

All cancelled.

Thank you NewJudge - all pretty obscure and hardly mass infrastructure.


DDIL, are you all there or should we make allowances?

You write some very odd, often disjointed things.

They should cancel HS2 but I think that train has left the station.

youngmafbog are you always such a plonker?

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