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Boris - For A Piece Of Cake

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Khandro | 11:37 Tue 20th Aug 2024 | News
53 Answers

Just under two years ago, the UK Conservative Party made the ridiculous decision to oust former Prime Minister Boris Johnson. What followed was a disastrous election defeat for the party and a new Labour government.

With mass riots, pensioners set to freeze, people being arrested for tweeting, mass infrastructure projects cancelled, tax rises coming, and Labour capitulating to the unions, I don’t think many of us realised how good we had it under Boris Johnson.

Yes, there were challenges, but those challenges were not ones the UK faced alone.

There was an ambition to level up communities that traditionally have been left behind with bold infrastructure projects that would encourage growth – many of which are now cancelled.

There was far less division, people weren’t being arrested for tweeting, our pensioners weren’t being left to freeze in the winter. Everywhere Boris Johnson went, ordinary people flocked to him. We had great relationships with our allies and we were global leaders – whether it be the vaccine roll-out or our role in supporting Ukraine.

Now we are a laughing stock. Politicians around the world are mocking us for the horrendous crackdown on free speech we have seen under Labour.

 It is absolutely ridiculous that we got rid of a Prime Minister for doing something as simple as eating cake in the office just for him to be replaced by a new government that is watching on as our country falls apart at the seams.

 I hope the politicians that brought down Boris, many of them now out of a job themselves, sit there and think – was this all worth it over a bit of birthday cake?



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13:45 got a live one there YMB, attack the poster when brain exhausted see it all the time on here.

do you have an example of a porky yet DDIL?

DDIL, I speak as I find.  I am serious, should I make allowances or can I go full rip at your nonsence?



I see one of the modern insults is to call someone A Pfeffel    🤣It is the Latest way of calling a  person a Plonker.🤣

13:22 Sat 11th May 2024

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The link you posted is from December 2023, so who was the government then?



Come off it Khandro,Bojo was just a big a crook as wee Sturgeon was,you were okay down in England you only had one crook ripping you off,up here in Scotland we had two aerosols ripping us off,Bojo and Burney.I always looked forward for jail time for these pair of crooks,fat chance.

"...all pretty obscure and hardly mass infrastructure."

Obscure if you don't live in the area. Significant if you do.

The cancellation of the rail projects has a a more widespread effect, though. 

There were 6 schemes due to receive immediate further funding to see their completion:

•    The Barrow Hill line between Sheffield and Chesterfield; 
•    The Ivanhoe Line between Leicester and Burton on Trent; 
•    New stations at Meir in Staffordshire, Haxby in Yorkshire, Devizes in Wiltshire, Ferryhill in County Durham; Aldridge station 
•    Line upgrades in the Walsall area; 
•    Reinstating the Fleetwood line; 
•    The Mid Cornwall Metro scheme for services between Newquay and Falmouth.

As well as that there were more than twenty further schemes due for approval in the coming year or two stretching from Cornwall to Newcastle. 

I've not mentioned the abandonment of the "additional hospitals” scheme.

I don’t know how you define “mass infrastructure” but all of the above and those I mentioned earlier seem fairly significant to me. Any one by itself, maybe not (unless, as I said, you happen to live near one of them, when its provision will be a Godsend). But taken together it seems quite a massive programme of improvements which have simply been ditched.

Of course they have, got to pay the Union baron paymasters somehow.  Pensioners havnt got enough to pay for Labours largest.

You Boris fans are either forgetting, or failed to realise in the first place how unpopular he was with the majority of the electorate post covid. Outside of the Boris loving bubble, he was loathed by many.

He was ousted for two reasons. Firstly he had become a guaranteed election loser. Yes, they lost anyway, but who could foresee how disastrous Truss would be at the time?

Second, his own ministers were heartily sick of being wheeled out to spout what later turned out to be lies, after being assured by him was the truth.

do you have any examples of these alleged porkies?

Tomus, Boris 'fans' are neither forgetting nor failing to realise anything.  We remember all too well the backstabbers - and the pathetic pitchfork bearers - the dire result of which the country is now stuck with.

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 perseverer; //The link you posted is from December 2023, so who was the government then?// 

 Labour have only been in a month and;

'More than 400 people have been arrested and at least 100 charged, "some in relation to online activity," Prime Minister Keir Starmer said yesterday.

A 32-year-old man who live-streamed himself "making derogatory comments towards migrants outside a hotel housing asylum seekers," for example, pleaded guilty to distributing a recording intending thereby to stir up racial hatred.'

Boris was the best prime minister since Margaret Thatcher. He never got the chance to prove himself because of all the Covid restrictions. Labour government has always been a joke. They will bring us to the brink of bankruptcy and then the conservatives will be left to sort it out. Anyone voting labour must have a short memory because this is what happens every time they are in power.

earlyam is bang on Boris never got a chance to govern, he was firefighting crises almost from day 1 of his election win. Of course all the 5C types ignore that when it suits them. 5 Years of Labour and we'll be the sick man of Europe again.

Khandro, do you think "distributing a recording intending thereby to stir up racial hatred" is ok?

Perhaps seeking a more balanced view than you get from Conservative Woman, Spectator Australia, GBNews, and the like might be a good idea.

@17.21.At least at Westminster we got rid of the Tories,up here in Scotland we still have to get rid of the SNP eejits.Two years time we will get rid of these thieving chancers.Bring it on,eh?

//do you have any examples of these alleged porkies?//

I will give you an example to which you will either claim he was merely offering an 'opinion' or he was misled by advisors. This is your standard response when given examples of Boris lies.

He said that no covid rules had been broken in Downing Street during the lockdown period. He told this lie to his own ministers and they dutifully repeated it, knowing he was a liar, but naively thinking they were special and he wouldn't lie to them.

Tomus42: "I will give you an example to which you will either claim he was merely offering an 'opinion' or he was misled by advisors. This is your standard response when given examples of Boris lies." - no it's my standard response to what is not a lie. It's not a lie to believe something that later turns out to be wrong, it's not a lie to have an incorrect opinion or prediction or hope that is not realised. It's not a lie to have an unrealised intention.


"He said that no covid rules had been broken in Downing Street during the lockdown period. He told this lie to his own ministers and they dutifully repeated it, knowing he was a liar, but naively thinking they were special and he wouldn't lie to them." - no rules were broken, it was a gathering of people in their place of work, allowed under the law at the time. It was used by agitators, police, 5C and assorted enemies. If he believed it was legal then even if it wasn't it's not a lie it's a belief that later turns out to be incorrect.



Tora, you must therefore believe that this man you revere is unbelievably thick.

To stand at a lecturn every day reciting the rules, but not realising that he himself and everyone around him was breaking them at the same time. To make the Queen sit on her own at her husband's memorial and then going back for prosecco and cake at some minions leaving do.

Boris Johnson is not thick. He is dishonest.

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