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"14 Year Old Palestinian Man Shot Dead By Jewish Settlers...

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sandyRoe | 01:39 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | News
23 Answers

...on the West Bank. Two others were seriously injured."

This from BBC World Service radio at 1.30 AM.

Surely a 14 year old is a child?



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Maybe your hearing isn't as good as it used to be, Sandy?

The age of Khalil Salem Khalil Ziyada is given as 40, rather than 14, here:

Question Author

Yes.  I've misheard the age.

Sad attempt at anti semitism goes badly wrong.

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My old ears have betrayed me.  But Israelis shooting children is nothing new.  Here's a recent incident.


oh dear looks like sandy is a bit mutton!

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I'd sooner have thick wax in my ears than be thick between them.

08:52 If having your level of intellect means supporting the Hamas "freedom fighting" baby beheaders then I'm happy to be a "thicko".

"oh dear looks like sandy is a bit mutton!"

Sorry, I didn't catch that. Could you speak up a bit please!  🤣

08.52 Nice one Sandy.... Pity you can't award yourself B/A

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In the past I'd often award myself best answer but the Mods changed things and denied me that simple pleasure.

The Mods didn't change anything, sandyRoe.  They don't have that ability. 

............"They don't have the ability".............

You keep repeating it gulliver.  Hopefully it will sink in eventually.

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Well, someone did.

Spoilsports whoever it was.

Terrorists are terrorists however old or young they are.

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And put a killer in an IDF uniform he's still a murderer.

"Ability" - Skill, Expertise, Talent or Aptitude. Which of these were you referring to Naomi ?

It was the Eds who stopped ABers awarding themselves BAs.  Quite right too.

I don't ever remember being able to award ourselves BAs that would be pointless.

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