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Beethoven's 9Th

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haras2 | 20:43 Fri 30th Aug 2024 | Music
10 Answers

Anyone else enjoying the massacre of the above on the box tonight ......

I'm so disappointed....



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I'm not watching it but apparently it's 'unwrapped' (whatever that means!):"In a Prom like no other, the orchestra dissects and analyses the work, revealing its secrets and demystifying its majesty, before performing it entirely from memory."
20:47 Fri 30th Aug 2024

I'm not watching it but apparently it's 'unwrapped' (whatever that means!):
"In a Prom like no other, the orchestra dissects and analyses the work, revealing its secrets and demystifying its majesty, before performing it entirely from memory."

I think this is one for the self-indulgent - all round!

It's typical BBC. Grrrr

How exactly was it 'massacred' ?  Did you watch the whole performance, or was it just the first part you didn't approve of?

Wow Beethoven has been woken. Not in this house he hasn't l

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The finale of the programme was perfection itself.

Yes, it was the first part that dismayed me -  I'd poured a glass of very expensive Bristol Cream to accompany the music and then realised I would have to have a second.....

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22.50 talking to Braniac.

. . . and then realised I would have to have a second

Excuses, excuses . . . 😊

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No excuses Buen:

Beetoven is Beetoven  !!!

I enjoyed the whole programme. It was interesting to get a peek at how Beethoven worked and lived. The performance of the symphony that followed was wonderful.

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Beethoven's 9Th

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