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I'm Not Interested In Popular Music, But...

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sandyRoe | 11:11 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Music
53 Answers

...even I have heard of Oasis.

If you could would you go to see them,?



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nope, I like some of their songs but I can't stand the people.

Never, ever, ever. Never!

Been twice, loved them; but I'm not sure I'd go again though- I've seen lots of bands twice but never thrice

No, I don't like Liam Gallager, but I do admire their success.

They've both got one of those faces and attitudes that make you want to punch them.

I should have answered "definitely  maybe"

No.   They're rough.

No.  I can't stand them or their output.  If I hear them on the radio, I mute it.

Nope. Always preferred Blur. Oasis' debut album, Definitely Maybe, was superb, but they lost the energy of that record as they (and their egos) got bigger.

That this is on all news bulletins is pathetic.  Was there ever a more boorish, sneering, unpleasant, arrogant pair than these two?  

I like some of their songs but they're a pair of nobs... so no wouldn't bother going to see them back in the day or now.

Post my pop-listening era I'm afraid. I wonder if the projected earnings of £400 million might be a reason for their reformation?

"Was there ever a more boorish, sneering, unpleasant, arrogant pair than these two?"

I can think of at least one.

ya mean...  Black Lace - Agadoo

Do tell, doug !

Was there ever a more boorish, sneering, unpleasant, arrogant pair than these two?  


Ian Brown.

Concert tickets tend to be too expensive. The atmosphere may be an experience but is rarely worth the cost. So, no.

Mind you if they were performing nearby and someone offered me a free box, (no not a cardboard one) then maybe.

I saw them before they were famous and I thought they were awful. Massively over-rated.

I have to get up, at the ready on Saturday morning to see if I can get tickets for the OH.  I'll not go as I couldn't do that kind of event knowing what the loo situation will be. However, a friend of OH has a box, so if we can bag a couple of tickets for that, then I would most definitely go.

A journalist made a comment this morning and hit the nail on the head

"If ever there was a concert to get cancellation insurance for..."

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