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Operation Branchform

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maggiebee | 15:33 Wed 08th Jan 2025 | News
12 Answers

Operation Branchform, the police investigation into Nicola Sturgeon and SNP finances now approaches its fourth year.

This "investigation" has taken longer than:-

The investigation, arrests, trials and sentencing of the great train robbers.

The Watergae investigation.

Building the Eiffel Tower

Building The Empire State Building

Building the Burj Khalifa

The arrest and conviction of Harold Shipman and the subsequent enquiry.

The First World War

The building of The Golden Gate Bridge

The first Gulf War

The Spanish Civil War

The American Civil War

The Korean War (active combat phase)

Four UK Prime Ministers (Johnson, Truss, Sunak and Starmer) and three Scottish First Ministers (Sturgeon, Yousaf and Swinney)

Walk 10,256 miles at 4 mph - that's almost 6 times around the world and more than half way to the moon.

Painting the ceiling of the Cistine Chapel.


Just how much longer do you think this "invstigation" will take or is it a dead duck?





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The circumference of the Earth is around 25,000 miles / 40,000 km, while it's 240,000 miles / 380,000 km to the Moon, so the investigation into the Wee Uns alleged dodgy deeds may have a while to go yet.


No,maggie,lets keep Sturgeon and her husbands feet to the fire.There is still £600,000 missing from the SNPs accounts...600,000 pounds missing.Someone must have this money.It sure isnt me,is it you?

They are waiting until the heat is off it and then the carpet will be lifted and under it will go.

Just like everything else in this now very corrupt country.  Part of the third world now you know, anything goes for the Lords and masters, ask 2TK.

Could it be anything to do with the fact that Scotland's Justice Secretary is a Government position, or that the present one was appointed by the then First Minister. Yes one of the main suspects or witnesses in the whole affair. Hard to say if the trouble is with the police (she also appointed the top brass) or the CPS (she also appointed the top people). It's like trying to unpick a tightly packed rubber band football without breaking one.

Up here in Scotland only a certain brand of people vote for the SNP nowadays,usually unemployed,usually unemployable.If it wasnt for their dole money(from the English taxpayer)most of them would be starving to death.

did you get a ride in the camper van maggie?

The whole country was taken for a ride, Tora.

YMB 16.02.Spot on .Just like the Tory Baroness Mone and The Tory Matt Hancock PPE Frauds. Organised by Boris Gove and Co..still in the long grass or under the carpet.

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Oh dear Gully, please don't say anything against the Tories.  You will be thrown to the wolves - again!  Posters on here have very selective memories and the "alleged" £600,000 is just small change compared to what went to Mone, PPE contracts, non-existent new hospitals etc.   

now i'm confused. is this thread about an investigation in scotland? or the misdeeds of the last administration's COVID policies?

So two wrongs make everything all right Maggie?This missing £600,000 is integral to the Branchform inquiries as is the question about where the accused couple got £105,000 to buy a motorhome and where the accused couple got £250,000 to buy a villa out in Portugal?

"Couple". Nice one.

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