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my brother

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alfjozaclola | 16:04 Sun 07th May 2006 | Music
2 Answers
I heard a song in a shop the other day and really liked it. The lyrics were something like "my brothers just discovered rock music" it was an indie sounding tune and now I wished I had asked while I was there!! Help!!


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Is it My Little Brother by Art Brut,here's the lyrics:

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
There's a noise in his head, and he's out of control
And yes it frustrates
Let's let him make his own mistakes
See him on the dance floor go now
Boy those moves I just don't know how

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
He's only 22 and he's out of control

How's he living?
With all of that unforgiving
See him on the dance floor go now
Boy those moves I just don't know how

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
He's only 22 and he's out of control

He no longer listens to A-sides
He made me a tape of bootlegs and B-sides
And every song on that tape, every single song says
I want our parents to worry about us
All we ever want is our parents to worry about us
It's what anybody really wants

My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
My little brother just discovered Rock & Roll
Stay off the Crack!

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Your a star, thanks so much. And might I add it's a "TUNE!"

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my brother

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