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who is the mystery man?

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steviep165 | 21:08 Mon 05th Feb 2007 | Body & Soul
52 Answers
calling all you AB men out there.
which one of you lucky folk is our sasha's mystery AB man she dotes upon?
fess up!!!


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im going to the shop and to walk the dogs.
i expect a full confession on my return!!! ;0P
i know!! i know!! ner ner ner ner ner ner!!!! xXx
i wont tell a lie so will say
i listed about 20 possiblities in an email to her the other week......she denied them all then later admitted it was one of them
posy!!!! shhhhuuuuushhhhh!!!

and steviep you git!!! i hate you!!! lol

I doubt anyone would admit to it babes!!!! lol

and answer my question!!!! xxxxx
can i ask what this has to do with body and soul??? the harpies will be out with their finger quivering on the "report" button!!! you have been warned!!! xx
i'm sure the queue is long and distinguished, you cheeky thistle, with a hint if basil x
it must be ward-minter
I tought it was you stevie.
nope much as i love the lanky geordie...his heart belongs to another :(

(i'll get you back Stevie!!) xxx
It's me! My real names Kevin.x
lol katie!! xXX
Hey Sash ;o)
Its a Londoner I know that
dammit katie!!! i thought i had managed to keep you a secret!! xx
hey snaggey baby!!! xx
Sorry! I just had to let them know WW! Am I forgiven?x
Is he a regular on here then? mmmmm Whos from London?
Hello mr snagged, were you nice and clean from that bath lol?
of course katie!! ;) xx

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who is the mystery man?

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