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reachesme | 10:43 Tue 26th Jun 2007 | Music
3 Answers
Just descovered Ladytron and i am just starting to get my head round thier music? Has anyone seen them live, they are playing Bristol in 3 days, i fancy going myself, just wondered if it is worth it?


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IF you like a new rave style gig then yay, its aces. A bit like seeing the Klaxons or the sohodolls. Take some glosticks.
I saw them twice (they supported Nine Inch Nails this year) and have to say I wasn't blown away. The first night they had the bass up so loud that it was actually making my throat and my internal organs tingle and itch, which is never good, and the second night I realised how pretentious they were. I have the feeling that the phrase "formed at Art School" is probably close to the mark. Nothing special, but for them to be supporting NIN, they must have something (apart from a pushy agent).
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Cheers, i thought as much. There are a few of thier songs which are amazing ie Blue jeans, seventeen and a couple of more but the others, i can't seem to get my head round, even though i keep trying as i feel there is something i am not quite getting. But i think i will give it a miss this time, thanks for saving my money.

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