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Question For Andy Hughes..........

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Greedyfly | 21:24 Thu 17th Jun 2004 | Music
3 Answers
Hi, I work for a major high street record shop and have done for a few years now. I absolutley love my job and am crazy about music but I am unsure of where to go next. I would like to stay within the 'music business' as such but not retail. Any suggestions, web address' etc... for me to get started on? Would be very much appreciated.


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i noticed amazon want people in their music and dvd section. why not have a look there. Or how about Apple? they are about to open a shop in london (the only one in europe and are interviewing as we speak for assistants.
Hi Greedyfly, apologies for not getting to you before your Question dropped off the page! I'm not sure specifically which branch of music you are looking into, but there are various outlets. Would you like to re-post, with some specific areas you want to explore, and I'll give you any help and advice I can - and I will answer before your second Question 'drop's promise! AH.
Hi mate. I'm another Andy Hughes. Great name by the way. I myself, a huge fan of music, was in the same boat a few years ago and wondered what to do. A good start would be to purchase the 'Music Week Directory' as it details loads of contacts and addresses from across the music industry. If they are seriously related to the industry - they'll be in there. I got some work experience that way and worked in music PR for a while until I convinced myself that it wasn't for me. I started playing music again and I'm going to Spain to make a living from it. If you also play music in bands etc, don't go into PR. IT WILL DESTROY YOUR SOUL having to kiss lots of young boy band ass. . . . unless you're into that of course. Good luck dude!!

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