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fairynuff39 | 00:52 Fri 18th Jan 2008 | Music
4 Answers
James Blunt, Same mistake, just found the song again, anyone else agree that's its class? On a parr with cold play and david grey? xx


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HE can sort of cut it as a singer song writer but I don't really like his voice. After Cat Stevens, Damien Rice and David Grey, I think hes a bit second class in that field and he's no Chris Martin in the lyric or song writing field.

I agree fairynuff39. And when James Blunt sings he sings like he really means it if you know what I mean.
got to admit i think james blunts new album- all the lost souls is pretty good, like david grey too but not so keen on coldplay, there again wouldnt do if we awe liked the same tho eh, well you enjoy your track!
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was just in my element to find the song again you know how it is, full blast jobby for a few days lol, does anyone eva play one song ova and ova and ova and ova until they dislike it or ova and ova again if its good? thanks for ur answers was a pretty silly question, just meant a lot to me lol! xx

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