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When did you start on AB

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Drisgirl | 18:57 Thu 07th Feb 2008 | ChatterBank
58 Answers
I started on AB on 26 Nov 2005 (*what*) posted 141 Q's and 3340 answers.

I was previously Buddy -if anyone remembers me as that- until Stevie-c-2it got me banned by inadvertantly baiting me-and me taking the bait *blush*.(Wonder what he's doing knowwwwww......................)

Right whats your vitals stats -other user names (for legit purposes -lol) et al.

BTW -anyone remember me as Buddy -lol?


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hey Dris, ive not been on AB that long so dont remember buddy, think it was last August, time flies lol
Hi Dris How you doing?
15th September 2006.
Aways had the same username.
hi Cruella <:-)

everyone knows my other name is Wee Yoda lol
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Hey both

I didnt realise I had been here so long -jings-must have passed in a haze (lol)
hya dris, i joined 4 days ago on sunday3rd, still finding my
i've been on here since november 12th 2007 =] im newish i suppose
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lol yes I remember you ad buddy :-)

Registered here on 1st June 2005 (at 20.58)

563 questions asked and 20219 (gulp!) answers given.

Main name is B00 (obviously!) but I do have a B002 and a Boo_two for when B00 gets made to go bye byes.
Hi Dris, i started on march 24th 2006 so its coming up to two years very soon!

I started out as jules1968 but got a temp ban for over posting on rugeleyboys thread about the carlsberg advert! It was a saturday night, i remember it well !lo

I decided that i didnt want to wait the 3 days to be un banned so i re registered with unruliejulie,(much better name anyway)
i have since become unrulyjulie due to gremlins that removed me and every post i ever made as unruliejulie. They never did come back :-( which is a shame because i sometimes think it would be nice to take a look back at some old stuff.
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I haven't joined yet, can I? :-{
no munkeeluvva, its full up today! Come back tomorrow and ask again ;-)
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In AB terms I am 2 days older than unrulyjulie - I joined on 22nd March 2006.
I've always been just yinyang.
Hey Dris,

Will you remember this one?

28 Jan 2007

so technically was me birthday ten days ago. Me AB birthday that is.

BB xx
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17 May 2006 01:59

Ques: 104 Deleted: 9
Ans: 2944 Deleted 27

Only had the one user-name
I've answered this question umpteen times, one last time won't make a difference, eh! lol

I joined here in 2002, I think it was summer. For whatever reasons I keep getting banned so I had more than a few names. I guess the ones responsible for banning me either left AB or finally realised that it's not so easy to get rid of me.

Dris, I do remember that name 'Buddy', and it's always nice to see you on here. x
September '05... not been on in a while though...
I think I first went on here in 2002/2003... i remember the 'old site' this layout is quite new and there was only half the categories!! haha, i remember Andy Hughs, Quizmonster being regulars.... ahhhh that was ages ago.....

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