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Are You A Genius

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ON THE ROAD | 00:39 Tue 13th Jan 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
3 Answers
You will be..... if you can answer any of these questions
1 Which film star was once given the freedom of every toy shop in Tokyo ?
2 In the north east which couple live at 28 acacia avenue ?
3 Sisters Jacqui and Louise Chantrel formed the backing band of which female singer ?
4 Who are the two people in photo 10 of the north east section of Superbrain (scroll down)
The link doesn't seem to be working so if you key northern echo superbrain quiz 2008 that should gain you access
Thanks in advance for any thoughts of divine intervention and brilliance


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1. Possibly Shirley Temple

2. Mr & Mrs Jones - they are the fictional examples used by the Land Registry to demonstrate the documents.
No I'm not at all brilliant but I thought Shirley Temple too. Or James Cagney or the Home Alone Boy.
Did you have any luck with Prix de Jeunesse? By the time all the footie was over you'd disappeared beyond page 10!
I found a website called www, which doesn't help at all but there may be a contact address.
I'm off out into the pouring rain now.
Good Luck.

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Are You A Genius

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