I have just built a Happy House for the sweeties on here, I am looking for staff and I am starting interviews now,
credentilas are. 1. Respect to others 2. A sunny disposition 3. One who can speak their minds, but in a nice way 4. Funny and witty and a whole lot more attributes.
.. What attributes could get you a job in the Happy House?? It is a huge mansion to house all of the lovely peeps that come in here, so imagine the staffing probs I have, need your help,,ok? you have to remember there will be lots of functions and parties...x
Can I be counsellor as always been a good listener? Not good with figures- leave that to husband ( he loves my cuddly figure;-) ) so will have to decline your suggestion of the wages controller please. Would love to be the one to listen+ encourage. Yet happy to share this job, too ;-)
Den53- You would make an excellent bouncer + when not being a bouncer can I suggest you take up the post of Stand Up Comic as you have a marvellous sense of humour! Sox + Den thanks for being such wonderful tonics- great medicine, just what needed!! Dios te bendiga, God bless you. (((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))) to Den + Sox :-)
Hi Sox. Can I apply to be mother, to make the tea and hand round the biccies and cakes. When I'm not doing that I can hand round the tissues to mop up the tears of laughter. I'd also brush the front steps to get rid of the rubbish after Den has kicked them out. Schutz.