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what time ????

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total.legend | 02:37 Fri 07th Aug 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
what is the loneliest time of the day?

Listening to john mayer
he reckons
that 10 until 2 is the loneliest time

which i take to mean 10pm to 2 am

and i guess i can see where hes comin from..


opinions ?�?�'


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It's a whatever time you discover that your inflatable partner has got a puncture ;-)

Er, of course that doesn't actually apply to me!
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chris id say 1.40am is the lonliest time for you

so 10 until 2 fits

chill bro

were a long long time dead
anytime in bed alone! Some ache to reach out to their past beloveds.

But lets not look back.......upwards and onwards.
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so far

10 until 2 seems to fit


are you missing past beloveds??
I'm never lonely. Too much to do, see, experience, & discover in life.
It is the time we are alone with our thoughts and deepest wishes. And only sleep shuts them out..tho even that may not work. Of course those wishes can be happy ones.....but the night contributes to introspection
Never have a lonely time of the day, but if I had to think of one.......first thing in the morning, when I find myself alone in the kitchen, making breakfasts!
Missing past beloveds???? hell NO! That's why they're in the past!
Actually, Leggy, if you're looking for a serious answer, here's mine:

I'm one of life's natural 'loners'. (Perhaps that's because I was an only child). I enjoy things like day trips and holidays just as much (or probably more) on my own as I do in the company of someone else. So, perhaps unsurprisingly, I hardly ever feel 'lonely'.

A rare exception might be when I venture into a pub. I can drink more cheaply at home, so if I go to a pub I'm probably hoping for a 'good natter' as much as I am for a good pint. The last time I can remember feeling rather lonely was in an absolutely packed pub, in the mid-evening, when everyone else was in couples or groups, and there was nobody to talk to. In fact I can't ever remember feeing lonely when I've been completely on my own; it's only when I've been alone in a crowd (irrespective of the time of day) that there's a hint of loneliness.

(Bloody 'ell. That's all a bit serious for this time of night!)
Awwww, Chris - but you know what, that makes perfect sense. Alone in a crowd is much worse than being alone with your own company.
yes....ALL of them Leg ;)
I like my own company though - it's ace. I get chance to do the things that I otherwise can't!
Thanks for your post, Icey.

It's a quick 'hello' to you (and, of course to Icey, MWB & Tam as well) before saying goodnight because I've got loads to do tomorrow, otherwise I won't be up at 4am on Saturday for a day trip (on my own of course!) to Germany.

'Night all!
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aw tambo

wanna hug??

are you lonely?�?�
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safe trip ya daft sod
Kindred spirits you & I Chris.

Nigh night.
Night Chris. Sleep well.

Kindred spirit eh MWB??? Ask Chris about when he ate ...erm.....well I'll let him tell you!!!!! : )
Happy thoughts, happy thoughts!!!!!!! really don't know, do you????? LOLOLOL!!!!!! x
am so glad that ppl find happiness living alone....there are so many living solitary lives in this generation due to careers/divorce/health/death and fear of commitment.

The bikers & grooms here haven't paired for the last 5y nor the teachers & stylists I see......they're all between 30-40+ and I can't see them changing. Not patter of tiny feet only revs & clip-clops.

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