Picture this......someone sat in a factory in China...they are assembling door bells, and setting codes on the bell to match bell push that will be packed with it...They constantly use only a few codes, as they pack loads of bells into a carton.The carton then travels round the world to a wholesaler, who then sells it to a retail outlet.
You then buy it from your local bell supplier......who else buys those bells.....your neighbours...the guy around the corner...everybody local, who shops at that shop..!
Some of these bells will pick up a signal, from another doorbell a hundred metres away.
That's what is happening to you...
Not sure what bell you've got, but I often get asked about door bells that ring when nobody is pressing them.
What I do is open the back of the bell remove the batteries, and you will find a few little micro switches...usually about six.
You normally find that only one of these is up/down...
What to do is move at least three of them to a different position either up or down, it does'nt really matter.
Then open up your bell push, and move the corresponding switches to match your bell...
That should be the end of your problem.