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what was your 'very' favourite decade for music?

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Bobbisox | 13:40 Wed 09th Mar 2011 | Music
145 Answers
mine, no suprise here, was the 60s
Can you remember the first record you bought
God, that sounds so ancient now with the age of CD/Blueray/DVD


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ooohhh I'm jealous now Alex
A bit of useless information, the late great Lonnie Donegan was guitarist in Chris Barbers Jazz band till he hit it big with "Rock Island Line" Bet you are glad I told you that!!!I,ll get my hat
Peggy Sue - my favourite BH song, also Chantilly Lace - Big Bopper. Shame they dies so young, they would have been absolute giants had they lived through the 60s
3rd Feb 1959 - The day the music died
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I agree WELSHY ;-)
Bill say ld at the Empire he tells me Alex
Bobbi heres a start, Buddy Holly, Eddie Cochrane, Gene Vincent, Del Shannon, Ray Charles , Brenda Lee. The list is endless
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I'm impressed!
I saw the Beatles when they came to Newcastle in 1963, camped out all
Bobbi believe it or not I was in the Lonnie fan club, had a little blue guitar badge to wear and actually got in to his dressing room for a chat at the empire.Smashing bloke, his son tours now since Lonnie died
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yes, my friends went to the Elephant on the Tyne to see him I think Alex
That will be right Bobbi Lonnie was big mates with Bobby Pattison
Alex/Bobbi - Does your chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bedpost overnight?
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I got Bill his latest DVD, BPs and took it with us to Lanzarote as one of his prezzies, it was dreadful,, sounde as if his teeth were dropping all the time
I leave it with my teeth in the bathroom lol. Welshyorkie did you know the Big Bopper should never have been on the plane. He swapped with a guy called Waylon Jennings(holly,s Bass player) who went on to be one of the biggest names in country music and sang the theme song for "The Dukes of Hazard"
Yes, I had read that some years ago. It was a tragedy that the music world lost such talent. Even though I was just about 3 my eldest brother had most of BHs records hence the liking of Peggy Sue. Oh how I wish we had talent like them nowadays - all I hear at home is some sort of thud thud thud. Mind you I bet my mam thought the same when I played Led Zepp, Black Sabbath, Deep Purple, Jimi Hendrix, Pink Floyd etc
> my first record was "Never turn your back on mother earth" by Sparks.

Now you're talking! One of my favourite bands...
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one of Bills fav band too Mark
What's his favourite Sparks album?
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he's having 40 winks at the moment but I will ask him when he wakes up Mark
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oops Mark, it was Styx, what do I know eh,,he-he
Styx? Oh... Can't be doing with that, I'm afraid...

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