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what was your 'very' favourite decade for music?

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Bobbisox | 13:40 Wed 09th Mar 2011 | Music
145 Answers
mine, no suprise here, was the 60s
Can you remember the first record you bought
God, that sounds so ancient now with the age of CD/Blueray/DVD


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he likes stuff like Bob Segar, all weird and wonderful
Bob Seger ........... "Hollywood Nights" .............. class.............
If he thinks Bob Segar's weird and wonderful, heaven knows what he'd actually make of Sparks... :-)
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Hi Builder, he reckons so...
I have heard of Sparks Mark, is that the guy with the Hitler type moustache?
like in This town ain't big enough for the both of us ?
Hi Bobbi ............. I guess it has to be 60s for me........... followed by the 90s.........

psssst............. tell Mark I remember when Van Der Graff Generator formed :o)
This Town is certainly a Sparks song from the third of their 22 albums - so far...
I must be the only one! for me it was the 30s,40s and the first half of the 50s before the advent of rock n roll.
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... one of Mark's favourites Bobbi ;o)
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arhh, I see
Mark's favourite, actually. I've just ordered the new album, and am seeing them live at the end of the month...
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errm was I right about Sparks Mark?
In what sense?
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sorry just saw your answer Mark ..above
nothing wrong with the ballad era cat ;0)
Oh Per-leeze Welshie! I'll treat that statement with the contempt it so richly deserves! Can't abide them - or Max Boyce for that matter.
'80's I loved it.
Long haired lover from Liverpool by Jimmy Osmond.
But don't tell anyone ha ha
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ha ha arwyn
you picked a corker there, one of Marks favourite..
Hi Bobbisox - I played and learnt the words of "Those were the days" by Mary forget her surname. Liked all of 60s and 70s - great music particularly to dance to.
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wahtchya Conn, Mary Hopkins?
I've said before on here I hope I reach 82 so I can see in the 60's :-)

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