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Awhile ago there was talk about cheques being phased out and I understood the idea was later scrapped. Today I was told there has been a change of heart and cheques will now be scrapped on 31st of...
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behind this. Initially, it is horrendous.
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Headlining we have - Panic! At the boarder No Direction Farage Against The Machine Snoop Moggy Mog Limp Brexit.. Any others to add?...
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UK: we're leaving EU: OK UK: can we have all the things we had before? EU: No, you're in or you're out UK: OK, well we've got a new plan that will allow us to have... EU: no - you're In, or you're...
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I'm interested in politics but have never experienced this frisson attributed to Britex voters by Vince Cable.If you're a Britex voter did the earth move when you voted?...
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If you could would you now want to stay in the EU? I mean after we have gone this far toward brexit surely if we abandoned brexit the EU would punish us so severely that even the most enthusiastic...
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Mass killing to be witnessed by 5-year-old prince
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Tax payer to pay £2 million for security at Eugenie's wedding, because she has chosen St georges Chapel Windsor. Her Father insists this is going to be a huge Occasion, to be remembered by all, how...
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Tax payer picks up the bill for day trip for Boris to fly to Afghanistan. £20,000, on the day of the Heathrow vote after he decided to go and have lunch with their Foreign Minister , so Boris could...
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According to twitter a plane is circling Norfolk, looking to land after a bird strike on take off from Norwich. Can anyone track it and see if and where it got down sarely? FH638....
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How serious must a crime be before someone has their British citizenship taken from them? These Vermin in Rochdale and elsewhere can the powers that be not strip them of the citizenship and deport...
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Some people (mostly remainers) chunder on about how no two Brexiteers have the same idea of what they wanted or want from Brexit so the main thrust of Brexit should be sort of ignored in favour of...
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I see almost daily that Muslim women are deliberately wearing the hijab/burka etc to deliberately cause problems with the authorities. Are they taking advantage of our legendary tolerance?...
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All the jews going on about how James Corbyn is anti-Semitic, I disagree! Anything to distract from Brexit!! My concern would be the persecution of the Palestine people.You don't hear much about their...
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.. and what the f.... does "women's studies" really mean?
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This budget has been subject to criticism over the years on this Forum, so this may interest some: "Jihadis You pay for." >>>...
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The first two terms in the question title are often discussed on this forum. Reclaiming 'sovereignty' from Capital is not: here is an insight which may interest those who think Brexit will restore...
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Whenever I see him, voted recently to represent our formal colony, trumpeting in so an uncouth and undiplomatic manner, I see him in my mind's eye in the presence of our Queen at The Palace down the...

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