The War In Ukraine in The AnswerBank: Current Affairs
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The War In Ukraine

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Khandro | 22:12 Wed 26th Oct 2022 | Current Affairs
116 Answers
'Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will cost the global economy $2.8 trillion in lost output by the end of next year—and even more if a severe winter leads to energy rationing in Europe.'

With the outlook to be a continued process of slaughter for months, maybe years to come of life (human & animal) & destruction of habitation & infrastructure at a rate not seen since WW2. Is the loss of a small region of the extreme west Donbass regions of Ukraine (plus the Crimea, which has been Russian for 300 years) worth the prolongation, & possible risks of the use of nuclear & chemical weapons ?
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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Russia has to be stopped. Humans are supposed to be civilised and we can't ignore the situation.
Has it not crossed your mind that if they get away with it once, they'll probably do it again and again?

Have you forgotten the history of appeasement?
First the Rhineland
Then Austria
Next Sudetenland.
Yes, absolutely. Ask any Ukrainian. If Russia are allowed to 'get away' with this, they have no reason to stop their expansionism, and are a threat to the entire Western world. We have to say, enough is enough. Imagine if Chamberlain, say, had said 'Poland is insignificant' before WW2.
As all above.
All the above are clueless.
pretty much what he did say about Czechoslovakia, Stableford: "a quarrel in a far away country between people of whom we know nothing."
True. But the line was drawn, as it has been in Ukraine, and the aggressor stepped over it.
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The Chair; // Has it not crossed your mind that if they get away with it once, they'll probably do it again and again?
Have you forgotten the history of appeasement?

I'm not suggesting appeasement - in fact I'm not suggesting anything, I really don't know, but there has to come a point where emotion needs to be tempered with intelligence & some form of dialogue & maybe arbitration has to take place.

It looks now like the city of Kherson is poised for the kind of destruction we witnessed in Mariupol, no matter what the outcome.

Crimea apart, are those small eastern regions (compared to the size of Ukraine as a whole) worth the gigantic cost in finance & resources?
Aye, *** the Russians…

You seem to support the Russian land grabs.. bad show
If the conflict inflicts so much damage on Russia - its, forces, its economy, its regime that they will never again contemplate such savagery in future then it's worth seeing them defeated this time.

A Russian "victory" in Ukraine may also embolden China in its intentions towards Taiwan.
You say you are not suggesting anything, but you seem to think it is fine for one country to invade another if the consequence hits our economy.
Aggressive behaviour to neighbouring countries should not be tolerated in a civilised world.
No, you should travel thousands of miles to wreck other countries.
are you sure spicey.............
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steg: No I don't support landgrabs at all, but it's a rather complicated region historically. Do you know anything about it? you could try here if you want to find out;

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Well fornicate me Kandro, would you be willing to cede your backyard to random invaders?
where will Putin stop if he conquers Ukraine.
Hopefully before your front door Em,,
Emmie is correct.

Anyone who thinks Putin would stop at Ukraine needs their head examining.

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