Why is the taxpayer expected to make up the difference between what is necessary and what an employer is allowed to get away with ? (Allowing cheap labour to be imported from abroad amongst other things.)
If the potential employer can't fund the necessary staff then they don't have a working proposition and should go find an opportunity that is.
Not saying it is, but if they don't get forced to factor that in then they are being allowed to exploit others. Either their staff or the taxpayer, and probably both.
I agree, OG. I read somewhere that even the Queen, one of the richest women in the world, pays some of her household staff the minimum wage which is,of course, topped up by tax credits etc. paid for by tax payers.
I understand, though, that small businesses might struggle to pay more and that jobs might be lost if they had to. On the whole, people should get a living wage.
When prices keep rising, gas, electrcity etc...they rise for the employer too. I think they only way to judge an employer is to look at their profit margin.
I think it is a little unfair to lay all the blame on the housing welfare budget when there's a bunch of greedy pensioners out there selfishly living longer than the state intended or ever planned for ;)
While I agree with you OG, isn't there a danger if the government stopped subsidising our 'low-wage economy' and started collecting appropriate taxes more businesses would move abroad.
Something needs to be done but its hard to know where to start.
Would have though minimum wage is the least the employer can pay and that a lot of them would do the decent thing and pay the worker above this awful low rate set by people who would turn round for 20 time it
Businesses may be less inclined to move abroad if there were barriers to importing goods deemed to have been produced by exploited labour. Or if the stick isn't an option folk are happy with, or feel could be implemented without major issues, one could probably better spend public money investing in home grown businesses instead.
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Do you know the answer?
Why Is The Minimum Wage Not The Same As The Living Wage ?