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Are We Going To Regret This Ruling?

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TWR | 09:24 Tue 31st Dec 2013 | Politics
55 Answers
EU Ruling, Allowing more into the UK?


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Does one have a Link to this Story please?
I think this has been debated to death on here TWR, even as recently as the last couple of days.
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One does not, one only ask's.

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Been too busy to look Zac.
perhaps, but its not up to us is it.
from this morning in case you wondered, its still a contentious issue for many,
so what, are people not worried about this, and wish to express their opinion on that matter, seeing as it's about to happen.
Question Author
Bloody hell, that's a good start.
and as we know not everyone goes on here everyday to have a say. so they may have missed the various threads.
TWR, sorry what is.
I thought that TWR, by posting a question, was interested in people's opinions on the subject and would, therefore, appreciate reading some which had already been expressed. Is that not a reasonable thing to do?
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As my orig post Emmie.
zac, you expressed the opinion that it's been done to death. some may not have seen these other threads, however if OP hasn't, he can now do a catch up with others opinion.
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I've come to the conclusion on here Zac, it does not matter what posters views are, it will either be deleted, condemned, called a racist, or whatever, they do not see the problem regards Schools, NHS, Housing, benefits, spongers, employment, I will await the backlash from the Do gooders. But I can foresee what's coming.
Nothing wrong with providing the opportunity for TWR to join in with existing debates whilst possibly proving that this one is superfluous, and also giving those who may not have seen them a nice simple one stop shop.
I agree TWR. If you care to read the links, you will note that there are a few nuggets of well thought through posts, mired in the prejudiced opinions of those who's life experiences have embittered themselves to blinkered views. As per usual.
and those who don't care what happens to Britain at all.

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