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Boris The Coward

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diddlydo | 13:35 Thu 14th Nov 2019 | Politics
56 Answers
The cowardice of put current PM apparently knows no bounds. From the BBC website:
Johnson cancels event due to protest
Alex Forsyth

Political correspondent

Boris Johnson has pulled out of a planned campaign visit to a bakery in Glastonbury due to an unexpected protest at the venue.

Mr Johnson was due to visit Burns the Bread as part of his trip to the South West, but plans were changed after a group including climate change activists, anti-Brexit protesters and someone holding a Labour placard gathered at the only entrance to the business.

It’s understood the visit was cancelled due to security concerns on the advice of police.

Mr Johnson is expected to continue the rest of the planned itinerary.


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Diddly, from your post //It’s understood the visit was cancelled due to security concerns on the advice of police.//

He's acted sensibly then.
Your OP has explained it. It was the advice from the police.
You should be ashamed.
Diddly, shot in the foot again.
She’s a trier! :o)
I hope JC cancels an event in similar circumstances so we can read what you have to say about that......
Apparntly the real reason was he is having trouble with his bone spurs.
Oh dear, yet again!
the visit to the bakery was cancelled due to security concerns on the advice of the police
nice to see Boris using his loaf

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If he really was the "strong" leader he thinks he is, he would have gone ahead with the visit anyway and told the police where to go.
Diddly @ 13.48, that is the crassest post so far, but I'm sure you will be able to surpass it.
That is the reason these people have personal protection. To advise and protect.
diddlydo, so if any one of the leftie nutjobs had a gun or a bomb
boris should just ignore the police... as a side note, a heckler asked corbyn (are you going to let terrrorists) into parliament...he walked off
and its a good question, as corbinista is a big fan of them.
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How utterly pathetic. I was taught not to go where you were noat wanted. Boris is following this wisdom.
Turns out it was only a spot of car trouble. His driver swerved off the road resulting in damage to the electrics.

Reports say it's currently dead in a ditch.
It ?
Well I've just been watching a video of Boris wrapping bread at Burns Bakery!

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